Interests 1 through 22

Hi. Welcome to my newsletter, tentatively titled: “These Are My Interests with Hanna.”


I’m Hanna. Maybe you’ve read one of the books in my sexy contemporary romance duology Night and Day? (Thank you!)


These are some of my interests:


1. Sandwiches

2. Decorative cabbages

3. Paris Street, Rainy Day by Gustav Caillebotte


This list is not exhaustive. I like a lot of things, often in a very specific way.


4. Voice memos, but not voicemails

5. Cooking, as long as I don’t have to look at a recipe

6. Soccer, at an international level, preferably in the format of a tournament


Every self-development book I’ve read advises that we focus on what brings joy. For me that’s:


7. Self-development books

8. Laurie Colwin writing about food, or life, or both

9. Double-entendres

10. Brown suede footwear with white fleece lining

11. Trying to understand the phases of the moon


Please prepare for this list to be cringe. But last week, Maisie Peters—


12. Maisie Peters


(While we’re on music:


13. Taylor Swift

14. Songs about real-life melodrama with hidden truth in the lyrics

15. Songs I listened to in my youth.)


—told me (almost directly), “It’s not cringe to believe in something.” And I believe in the year 2022 authors are supposed to have newsletters. (And podcasts.)


15. Being an author

16. Editing/revising more than drafting

17. Intense, lusty, indulgent stories (like QUEEN OF DUST, Anastasia meets The Bodyguard in space, coming a lot in 2023!)


I really like being an author. It’s the next best thing to being a 22-year-old Youtube influencer. The overlap is getting to romanticize life’s best details, spotlighting them through your perspective, your enthusiasm. My books are love letters to my favorite things and this newsletter is intended as a direct extension of that.


The plan is to update the list regularly. Some of the things I love and list will be problematic:


19. 1995’s Braveheart

20. Max Verstappen’s gold shoes


Most will be v basic:


21. Hydrating

22. Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself


I’m really glad you’re here reading this. We should get to know each other. My email is, or you can find me on Instagram confirming that these are in fact my interests.


Should I close with a mantra for the week? That feels right. So, if I may, a Whitman:


“I know I have the best of space and time, and was never measured and will never be measured.”


This went well—let’s talk soon!



Interests 23 through 25